Personalized Bioelectric Cancer Tumor Eradication Therapy
Personalized Bioelectric Cancer Tumor Eradication Therapy
The World’s first multi-modality bioelectric therapy protocol for cancer tumor treatment.
Only known patented technology for reading cancer tumors real time and custom delivery of individualized bioelectric therapy.
The CancerCell bioelectric therapy protocol.
1. Read cancer tumor with real time bioelectric and surface protein sensing.
Based on the real time read customized personalized bioelectric signals are delivered to do the following…
2. Jam the ability of the tumor to communicate.
3. Change the surface proteins of the tumor so the person’s own body attacks it – immunotherapy.
4. Change the surface electrical charge of the tumor so the person’s own body attacks it – immunotherapy.
5. Release of anti-angiogenic proteins to starve the tumor of blood supply.
6. Stop cell division.
7. Manage and modulate inflammation.
If the cancer tumor is eradicated (or growth subsided) the bioelectric stimulator is designed to do the following afterwards:
1. Recruits regenerative stem cells to damaged organ with a homing signal.
2. Proliferates recruited stem cells to a greater quantity.
3. Controls differentiation of stem cells to useful tissue.
4. Releases proteins to stimulate healthy new blood vessel growth.
5. Releases 15+ regeneration promoting proteins including IGF1.
6. Releases proteins to manage and modulate inflammation.
CancerCell is a development stage company developing a multi-stage bioelectric therapy for eradicating cancer tumors and regenerating organs back to full health after cancer.
The CancerCell multi-stage bioelectric therapy includes (1) bioelectric and cytokine reading of cancer tumor, (2) personalized jamming of communications, (3) starving blood supply, (4) changing surface proteins and electrical charge so the person’s own body attacks tumor – immunotherapy, (5) stopping cell division, (6) inflammation management and modulation and (7) stem cell and protein expression based organ regeneration.
3 patents issued. Numerous patents pending.
Risk Statement: CancerCell is a development stage company. These technologies mentioned above have NOT been proven safe or effective yet in properly controlled and statistically significant clinical trials.